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Allen Snider

PlayStyle: Aggressive/Zoner
Similar to: Ken(SF), Kyo(KOF)
Strengths: Allen has a great projectile and command grab. He has some of the best damage from his juggle super Triple Break and easier juggle routes than some of the other characters. His speed is excellent and has the best reversal in the game with his Rising Dragon. He can get a lot of damage from most situations with enough execution behind it.
Weaknesses: His normals aren't the best in comparison to the cast especially with a lack of having a good conversion from his Cr.HP. He must generally rely on his Rising Dragon to hit opponents who jump at him in a very close range. Outside of Justice Fist he has trouble converting from certain ranges and Justice Fist is incredibly punishable even on hit if the opponent is cornered.
Play if: + You like tons of damage and combo creativity
+ You like a flashy take on the shoto archetype
+ You like characters that reward good execution
Avoid if: - You don't like having no consistent close anti air normals
- You want a character who is more unique
- You don't like hearing a lot of yelling
Recommended Gougi Decks: Aggro, Stealth Raptor, Shinobi, Berserker, Double Face, Infinity
Max Punish Combos
Meterless: dash cr.MP x2 > cr.MK > MP Justice Fist (55 Damage)
1 Meter: dash cr.MP x2 > cr.MK > MP Justice Fist > Triple Break > delay dash cr.MP > st.MK > MP Justice Fist (87 Damage)
2 Meter: dash cr.MP > cr.MP > cr.MK > Justice Fist > Triple Break > dash st.MP > non-light Justice Fist > Triple Break > dash st.MP > Justice Fist (105 Damage)
3 Meter: dash cr.MP x2 > cr.MK > MP Justice Fist > Triple Break > delay dash cr.MP > st.MK > HP Justice Fist > Triple Break > HP Justice Fist > Triple Break > HP Rising Dragon (117 Damage)
Key Normals
Stand Heavy Kick: Probably his best anti air normal but unfortunately it's best range is dealing with slightly farther jumps. Anything closer than sweep distance you'll need to Rising Dragon generally. This is still a great normal to meaty with on wake up to gain some advantage.
Stand Medium Kick: This normal has great range and is great for checking dashes or buffering into as it is special cancellable. It also can hit over some low attacks.
Crouch Heavy Punch: While this normal can anti air it doesn't lead to anything outside of a Triple Break in the corner. It is an excellent meaty option as it is very active and can go nicely into his Smash Kick (forward + medium kick)
Crouch Heavy Kick: Completely safe on block, great to confirm into on block, and additionally can be special cancelled . This sweep will also low profile projectiles and is a great whiff punish tool.
Key Moves
Justice Fist: Allen's trademark move that actually does more damage if it's done point blank (there is a fire effect if you are hitting close enough). This is his key to getting high damage and converting into Triple Break from any range that Soul Force would not combo. This has a huge amount of recovery and even on hit be careful because you may be punished at worst while at best you'll give your opponent a chance to pressure. However since it has a lot of recovery that means the super cancel window is bigger as well.
Triple Break: His juggle super and it's the one that you'll mostly be converting into because of the further damage potential than Fire Force provides. This can be used as a situational anti air but it has a lot of forward momentum so it may whiff under some jumps.
Combo Examples
Chain Combo
Cr.LK, St.MK, St.HP, Smash Kick
Link Combo
Cr.LK, Cr.MP x2, Cr.MK, Smash Kick, Triple Break
Justice Fist can blow through projectiles
6 Chain gougi combined with Allen's Soul Force is deadly
General Strategy
Allen is a fast and hard hitting character with great ways to control space and the opponent. He is best when the opponent's movement and options are slowed down or stopped by Soul Force and he is opening the opponent up with confirms and his command grab. Once he makes the opponent scared of his Vaulting Kick he can really start to bait and massively punish the opponent with combos into Triple Break and rack on the damage and momentum. Once Allen gets going and he has you cornered it's very hard to stop him. Even when you are put in a defensive situation your Rising Dragon can get you out of a lot of tough spots.
Frame Data
Back to Shirase or onto the Champ Darun

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