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General Mechanics

FEXL AD uses the same button layout and attacks as in FEXL
FEXL AD also has the two input methods from FEXL: Classic and Progressive
With the omission of Gougi, running and dashing, FEXL AD introduces the following mechanics:
EX-Dash(HP+HK): At the cost of 1 super bar, your character runs forward and flashes red. This is used for combo extension as it can be cancelled into from any grounded attack. During the run you are able to use chain combos along with your links. This can also be used for safety or setups as well.
EX-Arrow(down, up): At the cost of 1/2 super bar, you can perform a homing jump that moves you in front or behind your opponent. If you input up + forward you will fly over the opponent. You can also perform an air chain combo during the jump. The jump is essentially the EX Arrow gougi from the Sky Dancer deck
Guard Break(MP+MK): At the cost of 1 super bar, you can perform an attack that can break an opponent’s guard. This works the same as the guard break gougi in FEXL. This can be cancelled from specials and supers but length of the staggered state your opponent is put in is shortened.
EX-Illusion(While guarding, Back HP+HK): At the cost of 1 super bar, you can get out of a pressure situation. This works like a combination of guard cancel and illusion from FEXL. You can air chain during this as well.
Additional Throw: This happens when you throw an opponent that is not inputting a move (jump, attacks , specials, or supers). The screen darkens and the person getting thrown must tech to avoid the throw. If teched correctly, the thrower gains 45 meter.
Command Overheads: In FEXL you were not able to super cancel from your character's unique command overheads. This has been changed in FEXL AD.
Secret Level 3 Super: Some characters received a fun little super at the cost of 3 bars. They usually aren't worth it in terms of damage but they are a fun way of showing off or ending a match in a flashy way. They are performed universally with HP > LP > HK > LK. The characters who are able to use a level 3 are: Allen, Area, Hokuto, and Rosso.
Let's see the character changes
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