In FEXL you have access to 6 attack buttons like Street Fighter. Light Punch, Medium Punch, Heavy Punch, Light Kick, Medium Kick, and Heavy Kick.
There are variations of those 6 normals when you are crouching and jumping just like other fighting games.
In FEXL there are many shared normals among the cast. Once you understand how normals work with one character, most of the knowledge will be transferable to others. Here are some common normals that characters share.
An important thing to note is that just because two characters share the same normal doesn't mean that it has the same properties. For example some crouch HPs that are shared are special cancellable and some that are not.
Crouch HP for most characters is your standard anti air option but every character has at least one consistent go to option. The reward might be different across the cast but regardless it is important that you become proficient with this option.
Unique Attacks
These normals are done by pressing a direction and a attack button together. They are in the command list and not every character has access to these attacks. The most common unique attacks are overheads. The attacks in the game like this are not special cancellable but the unique attacks that are not overhead are actually super cancellable.
D.Dark has access to both a overhead and a regular unique attack.
Hard Attacks
These are universal attacks that every character has access to that are performed by pressing both medium attack buttons together.
Hard attacks all hit the opponent overhead and must be blocked standing. They can be used as a meaty option or as a way to open people up who are blocking too much.
They can also be super cancelled on hit or block and are generally unsafe.
Now you probably want to throw somebody