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Okizeme is a term used in fighting games which refers to pressuring the opponent while they are getting up after being knocked down. Depending on the game, there are various possible options a player can opt for after knocking an opponent down.
In FEXL, there are a few common okizeme options such as a meaty (An attack that is timed to hit the opponent as they are getting up). Using heavy attacks are a great way to setup some frame advantage and with a successful attack some characters can actually combo afterwards.
Throw is not an option due to the throw invincible frames on wakeup but a manually delayed throw or tick throw is a solid go to. As the defender you don't have to worry about the threat of throw on your wakeup. Tick throws are somewhat difficult to land on strong opponents so make sure you condition them to defend with your chain then opt for throw when you see them respect your chain or staggered chains.
Using a jump attack to attempt a cross up or even a safe jump (a jump attack that is timed perfectly so that if the opponent wakes up with a invincible option you will block the attack and if they don't, they will be hit by the attack or be forced to block)
Other characters like Garuda have a way to setup cross ups after certain options that cause a hard knockdown.
A meaty hard attack is also a solid option to try and open up a defensive opponent. Generally when looking for oki (AKA Okizeme) options for your character, look for how your character can get a hard knockdown because that way you will have a consistent option to use to pressure the opponent. At the very least all regular throws in FEXL will cause a hard knockdown, so you can simply start there. On regular recovery most of the cast can simply dash and easily time a normal (usually as they get up and hit confirm into a combo or stagger into a chain etc.
Since FEXL has a lot of reversal options and the entire cast has a metered invincible option on their wakeup, baiting out these options is also very key.
Attack and Defend

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