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This is the concept of both players not being not knocked down, neither having an advantage, and nobody is in the corner. This can change quite fast in FEXL due to running and speed up gougi affecting walkspeed.
Since FEXL is fast paced a lot of opponents are going to try and attack you low, usually starting with crouch light kick. But blocking is very strong in FEXL and crouch blocking is usually the best and safest option. However if the opponent is constantly running at you, you have a few options to use to blow them up for it.
Neutral Jumping with a cross up attack
Poking with a normal that goes over lows.
Using backdash to space out a whiff punish
If you decide to use neutral jumps too often or predictably the opponent can decide to not commit to an attack and punish you for it with an anti air normal. Then you are able to use things like jump back or jump forward to mess with the opponent's spacing on punishing you for jumping.
In FEXL a dash is quite fast and very difficult to react to up close. This means that if you want to play a bit more reactive or slow down the match, you'll want to stand further back (about the distance of two backdashes from being up close).
In the same vein, baiting a response from your opponent with a short dash (dashing forward a short distance then stopping) will cause a certain reaction from the opponent. You can then use that information to punish them in the future or even in that same moment depending on their response. This is a FEXL specific whiff punish.
Knock them down

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