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Anti Air

Like any 2d fighting the only way to stop or at least punish people for jumping is to anti air them. The basic concept is no different than other fighters. Almost every single character's crouch HP can anti air the opponent very consistently.
In FEXL aside from simply using one button to anti air the opponent, you can actually get more damage using a variety of options. One of the ways to add more damage is with Unique attacks after you hit your anti air normal.
Cancelling your normal into a complementary super is a great way to get a lot of damage and really discourage your opponent from jumping.
However to be able to cancel into a special move after landing an anti air normal you must hit the anti air normal late to be in the cancel window for a special move. Super moves can be cancelled at any point during the hit of the normal.
Air to Air
Meeting the opponent in the air with an attack can lead to a juggle situation. If you time your attacks close enough together you can keep hitting the opponent before they hit the ground. Here is a basic example of this that I will go into more on the air to air page.
What's a combo?

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