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PlayStyle: Tank/Brawler
Play if: + You like super armour
+ You like forcing people to not block
+ You like a good variety of passive buffs
Avoid if: - You don't want to play a ton of offense
- You want a more complex deck
- Your character doesn't have heavy normals you like for Erase Blow
Suggested for: Any character that you want to make beefer and especially if they have a good hard attack.
Key Gougi
Hades: The super armour gougi of the game. It grants you infinite armour on all attacks and you won't have any hit stun when your opponent attacks you. However you will be slowed down during anything you try to do but you won't be interrupted. The main downside is that you can still be knocked down by anything that launches as well. When you take damage during Hades all damage is unscaled. So all hits of a move will have it's full damage on each hit in comparison to each hit adding more scaling to the damage.
Guard Break: This gougi shuts down defense and turns your Hard Attack into a unblockable at the cost of one bar of super meter. You can activate this gougi as long as your Hard Attacks are blocked or hit, on whiff nothing will happen. When Hades and Guard Break are both active that's when it becomes extremely hard to stop the unblockable and force a response other than sitting still from the opponent. If you run out of meter then your Hard Attack will be a normal version of itself.
Silent like the Shinobi

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