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PlayStyle: Anti Zoning/Aggressive
Play if: + You like being in your opponent's face in an instant
+ You like high bursts of damage
+ You okizeme from anywhere
Avoid if: - You want some defensive gougi
- You don't like teleporting
- You want more damage that is under your control
Suggested for: Any player that wants to get through any zoning attempts and always make the opponent afraid when you are full screen.
Key Gougi
Teleport: Exactly as it says you will teleport in right in front of your opponent everytime from anywhere on the screen. You are in a dash/run state after you reappear so you can get a full combo/chain from it. You are able to cancel the start up before you teleport into a throw or special/super to bait the opponent or fake them out. When you are invisible you ignore all projectiles and attacks but you are vulnerable at the beginning and after you reappear, so use it well.
Critical: You gain a timer that fills up red, once it is full the next attack you land on hit or block is doubled (damage scaling still affects this on multiple hits) including all hits of multi hitting moves. You'll see a blue hit spark and if you get a cross up hit it will appear purple instead of red. After that the timer will become white, start to countdown again, and start to fill with red.
Guard Break: This gougi shuts down defense and turns your Hard Attack into a unblockable at the cost of one bar of super meter. You can activate this gougi as long as your Hard Attacks are blocked or hit, on whiff nothing will happen. When Hades and Guard Break are both active that's when it becomes extremely hard to stop the unblockable and force a response other than sitting still from the opponent. If you run out of meter then your Hard Attack will be a normal version of itself.
What is Fantasista?

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