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PlayStyle: Passive Aggressive
Play if: + You like unlimited resources and power
+ You like playing the long game
+ You like a challenge
Avoid if: -You don't like playing the long game
- You dislike holding onto meter
- You want a easier deck to use
Suggested for: Players who have a lot of experience in FEXL and characters that can abuse special moves somewhat safely
Key Gougi
Overload: This is the gougi you are building towards as once this activates your entire deck will activate at once. While having your meter full (3 bars), every special move you land on block or hit will build a small portion of this gougi. If a special move has multiple hits or a follow up it will still count as one special for the gougi.
Rage: The main gougi of the deck, this is one of the most powerful in the game. You gain meter similar to training mode as the meter will start to refill if you go back into a neutral state (you aren't attacking or being attacked). You are still able to build meter otherwise on top of having Rage active.
Guard Break: This gougi shuts down defense and turns your Hard Attack into a unblockable at the cost of one bar of super meter. You can activate this gougi as long as your Hard Attacks are blocked or hit, on whiff nothing will happen. When Hades and Guard Break are both active that's when it becomes extremely hard to stop the unblockable and force a response other than sitting still from the opponent. If you run out of meter then your Hard Attack will be a normal version of itself.
Become a Grab Master

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