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PlayStyle: Passive Aggressive
Play if: + You can easily use lots of special moves
+ You like having MASSIVE power
+ You like a challenge
Avoid if: - You don't like playing the long game
- You dislike holding onto meter
- You want a easier deck to use
Suggested for: Players who have a lot of experience in FEXL and characters that can abuse special moves somewhat safely
Key Gougi
Overload: This is the gougi you are building towards as once this activates your entire deck will activate at once. While having your meter full (3 bars), every special move you land on block or hit will build a small portion of this gougi. If a special move has multiple hits or a follow up it will still count as one special for the gougi.
Hades: The super armour gougi of the game. It grants you infinite armour on all attacks and you won't have any hit stun when your opponent attacks you. However you will be slowed down during anything you try to do but you won't be interrupted. The main downside is that you can still be knocked down by anything that launches as well. When you take damage during Hades all damage is unscaled. So all hits of a move will have it's full damage on each hit in comparison to each hit adding more scaling to the damage.
Soul Drain: You drain super meter and health while you are next to the opponent. This applies to all situations like moves that keep you close like forward moving special moves, throws, and as your opponent is getting up off the ground. If the opponent has no meter or 1 point of health you won't be able to steal anything from them.
Utsusemi: Whenever you perform a recovery after being knockdown you will be invisible for a brief period of time. You have no invincibility while invisible, it is only a visual effect. It's a great gougi for anti mixup and gives you a chance to retaliate.
6 Chain: Activating this allows you to break the standard chain system in FEXL. Instead of going from Light, Medium, to Heavy you are able to go Light Punch, Light Kick, Medium Punch, Medium Kick, Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick. You can skip any of normals like you can with normal chains and you can throw in a unique attack anywhere in the 6 chain. Not every normal will connect how you might like it, so test with different normals and characters.
Clever like a Stealth Raptor

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